Summer Tag RUGBY - Register NOW
Spread the word! let’s make 2023 bigger and even more successful.
Athy Summer Tag Rugby is for everyone, aged 16+. It’s a non-contact sport, so everyone is welcome, even if you’ve never played rugby before and would like to give it a go. We’ll ensure to welcome you to the club and promise that you’ll have great fun getting involved and starting to play tag rugby.
Last year we had over 120+ people / 8 teams playing tag rugby over 6 weeks of the summer. We’d absolutely love to increase this to 12 teams, this would be a great success and you guys can help us achieve this.
Summer League kicks off on 13th July for 6 weeks
League is open to players to register as individuals €30 or as a team (Max 12 players) €300
Kick-off times will be approx - 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm - each team will play once a week
All registered/paid players will get a FREE team t-shirt for the tournament
Changing facilities will be made available if needed.
All results/league tables will be posted weekly on the Athy Rugby Website.
Register NOW & PAY NOW - Don’t miss out

Have Questions?
If you have any further questions please let us know! We’re happy to answer any concerns or queries. Get in touch below or fill out the contact form.
Call, txt or whatsapp - Nick on 0834388000